Willi Smith Street Couture

The Willi Smith: Street Couture Virtual Exhibition illuminates how American designer Willi Smith (1948-1987) and his collaborators broke down social, cultural and economic boundaries by marrying affordable, adaptable “street couture” with avant-garde performance, film and design.

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Your journey so far

Alvin Bell

Community, Fashion, Person

Anthony Barboza

Community, Person

Audrey Smaltz

Community, Fashion, Person

Bethann Hardison

Community, Fashion, Person

Bonnie Brownfield

Community, Fashion, Person

Brian Howard

Community, Fashion, Person

Carla Moore

Community, Person

Cesar Moreno

Community, Fashion, Person

Cheryl Braunstein

Community, Person

Christa D’Souza

Community, Fashion, Person

Christine Rucci

Community, Fashion, Person

Christopher Andrews

Community, Person

Cynthia Stubbs-Hill

Community, Person

Diane Meier

Community, Performance, Person

Edwin Schlossberg

Community, Person

Elyn Rosenthal

Community, Fashion, Person

Fern Mallis

Community, Design, Person

Forest Young

Community, Person

Ian Hylton

Community, Person

Iris Simpson

Community, Person

Jack Travis

Community, Design, Person

Jackie Sanchez

Community, Person

Janette Beckman

Community, Person

Jeff Tweedy

Community, Fashion, Person

Jeffrey Banks

Community, Fashion, Person

Jon Haggins

Community, Fashion, Person

Jorge Socarras

Community, Performance, Person

Joseph Delate

Community, Fashion, Person

Kelvin Garvanne

Community, Fashion, Person

Kim Hastreiter

Community, Design, Person

Kim Steele

Community, Person

Laurie Mallet

Community, Fashion, Person

Les Levine

Community, Film, Person

Linda Mason

Community, Performance, Person

Loren Harrison

Community, Person

Mark Bozek

Community, Fashion, Person

Martha Nutt

Community, Fashion, Person

Mary Jane Marcasiano

Community, Person

Max Vadukul

Community, Film, Person

Mindy Grossman

Community, Fashion, Person

Om Batheja

Community, Person

Pat Cleveland

Community, Fashion, Person

Paul Tschinkel

Community, Film, Person

Penny Payne

Community, Film, Person

Peter Goldfarb

Community, Fashion, Person

Peter Gordon

Community, Performance, Person

Peter McQuaid

Community, Person

Prudence Harvey

Community, Fashion, Person

Reba Ford-Sams

Community, Fashion, Person

Sabrina Lahiri

Community, Person

Sarah Khan

Community, Person

Shailah Edmonds

Community, Fashion, Person

Stacey Appel

Community, Person

Stephen Burrows

Community, Fashion, Person

Stuart Lazar

Community, Fashion, Person

Sylvia Waters

Community, Person

Tom Healy

Community, Person

Tsia Carson

Community, Fashion, Person

Veronica Jones

Community, Fashion, Person

Veronica Webb

Community, Person

Vicente Wolf

Community, Design, Person

Vijay Agarwal

Community, Fashion, Person

Wendy Goodman

Community, Person

X Baczewska

Community, Person